UX Branding

In the world around us, technology, social networks, … Digital communication, cold, inert, is giving way to the emotional. Big fault of this is Facebook and its pre-cooked and “personalized" videos. It’s almost like the grandmother’s stew that comes in a can and gives us a tender grandmother for everyone.

Some time ago, after attending the UX Brand meetup offered by  Soluble Estudio, a few thoughts came to mind (so there I go).

'Branding is what they say about us when we are gone.'

Soluble team

In the world around us, technology, social networks, … Digital communication, cold, inert, is giving way to the emotional. Big blame for this is Facebook and its pre-cooked and “personalized" videos. It’s almost like the grandmother’s stew that comes in a can and gives us a tender grandmother for everyone. This is one of the best phrases that were heard. And it’s so true that it scares. We usually associate branding with graphic design elements, with visual pieces that represent or sell your brand. Balls with your logo, cups or mockups of super cool things that will never be produced later.

Well, in the meetup they proposed an exercise of associating random images (this goes through Naná) to brands. It was no accident that of the hundred and a few that we were, our response coincided, and quite a lot. This made me reflect on brands in general that get us to make these associations, even in series, in which when you see some of frames you already know what it is. I am not very understood in series or movies (the others will tell me when I am not there, I will not lie now), but, for me, a clear example is Breaking Bad. After seeing three chapters you already breathe textures. Even if you remove the audio you can hear in your mind the sounds of these textures, substances, … No, I will not spoiler.

Another example, but this time in the cinema, is Her. As soon as I saw her, and I saw her late (too late) I dropped those connection points, that unmistakable stamp of colors, lights, times, … I have my firm theory that Apple’s “taxed" Her on her spots of The first was iPhone. And that is branding too.

Another example of branding, without pens or cups with the logo stamped, is Mailchimp. Apart from the image (as most designers and designers would say: it is super cool) the tone of voice, the suitability of the moment, the winks, the monkey that will hit you (high fives!) Like a baby who only He knows how to do that, he leaves you a smile and you want to send another newsletter. That is also branding.

'Having a brand is not essential, It is inevitable.'

Soluble team

Another little gem of the meetup. It is inevitable to be happier when we wear that shirt that we like so much. It is inevitable to feel, get excited about our surroundings. And therein lies the greatest power of branding. The fact that people remember you (the brand, as an entity with its own personality) and smile or an anecdote comes to mind. Be memorable


Brand and digital designer. When I'll grow up I want to be calligrapher, tidy and taller, at the moment I'm designer and 1,57 m. Made with 💛 in Canary Islands

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