Two sprints and a little more. That lasted the project. Although it actually started on March 2 at Factoría F5. Remember when we weren’t wearing a mask? Well, right there, 24 people, starting a new course with a lot of enthusiasm. 24 motivated by life who decided to invest time, sweat and tears in entering the world of development.
Remember when we weren't wearing a mask? Well, right there, 24 people, starting a new course with a lot of enthusiasm.

The bad luck of COVID, or the good luck of a new normal in which to work remotely (with pyjamas/propaganda t-shirt or dressed for the occasion), put us through a very different confinement. We learned, what if we learned: TDD (‘teses’ as Lord Josu would say), to do kata without wearing Kimono, to work on Agile methodology (and love it sooo much), to do a kanban without pos-its, our new friend php, (san ) Laravel, various flirtations with go, (cute) python, (unpredictable) node, … and also front-end (and I’m sooo happy, obviously), we saw html, css, (sexy) Sass, etc … But, as in everything digital, this is a long-distance race. So the counter always starts from zero.
As in everything digital, this is a long-distance race. So the counter always starts from zero.
As one of the 24, no, of the 23, no, of the 22 coders of the 2020 promotion, the newly baptized promo-COVID, I want to share with pride and a little tear of emotion our final project of Training ground. The new website of TraCE (Catalan Association of Cranioencephalic Trauma and Brain Injury) developed by Factoría F5 💛 by the new developers of the COVID era (and post-COVID I hope): Alejandro Acho, Elena Carballido, Sofía Carballo, Joana Börsch, Kevin Hidalgo and me.