As – although we try hard – strawberries are not good in August.
Telling stories on a digital device. Spinning the contents with the help of interactions so that, even by having to give up the smell of paper and ink, the reader can still touch, see, feel, be surprised.
Everything related to the 'ecological' is generally associated with green, to the point of becoming somewhat banal; while agriculture - and its products - offer us a vast range of colours. On the content level, it was intended to go beyond the classic concept of ecological or the perception of it. We wanted to share new colourful stories that are also part of the environmental scenery.
A warm chromatic range was chosen according to the multiple colours nature offers us. It was intended to show a fresh and youthful image without giving up the things of everyday life and tradition. That is why we decided to combine a cooler and cleaner typography like sans serif, with the elegant and classy cursive script.
Elegant in appearance, beautiful flow, and often used for contrast in headline titles and as logo typography.
Copse looks older and traditional than sans serif. The type of serif gives a funny point. Clear establishes a balance between contemporary, professional and stylish expression.
The best part of this project was searching for a topic and thinking what stories to tell. Also, balancing the types of contents – text, multimedia, and touch – in order to surprise the reader while not having the pages taking too long to load.
Probably the worst part was the device itself as tablet never became too popular for magazines use, and it would be complex to keep on publishing new issues: basically a chronicle of a death foretold – quoting Gabriel Garcia Marquez.